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Friday, February 13, 2009
Baaack ;){2:24 AM}

Listen... I'M BACK!!
After nearly a MONTH of not updating... I'm BACK!! <3
God, don't you just love that phrase...

So Today's more of a fooling around kind of day. Just You know.. awkwardness.. You don't have a clue what to do!!
You being MOI! :P
Well.. School's opening soon and i'm exhausted!

Oops.. g2g!!
My sis is like shouting at me..

Ironic, ain't it!!
*rolls eyes*
Welll whatever.... WILL WRITE SOON!! :P
<3 u

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
can you trust me on this?{5:23 AM}

Oh why does normal life feel so weird... yet familiar?
why does it go twisty turny like the slider over there on the beach?
why is it so hard to make the right decisions.. whether in friendships, studies, love or life?

Because it's all part of a game we are in.... the game of life :p

Sorry for that! :D
It was really random.. :)

ok... so today was The Grimm Tales auditions and i'm freaking out.
I really,really want a part this time.. unlike LSOH :p
and a SPEAKING part, hopefully...

and one more thing especially for abi!!
You were great 2day!!, don't underestimate urself, babes <3>

Thursday, January 1, 2009
The BIG 9 is HEREEEE!!!{12:08 AM}

Happy New Year 2009!
Thanks again everyone for everything... this is my first blog of 2009
It's January 1st 3:10 pm right now and i'm still in my jammies eating a cream cheese bagel
My hair is a mess and my eyes are red
Oh and watching spider-man 3 :p
but.. I DON'T CARE!

It's the first day of the year but i'm too lazy to move my butt off here... so here i am, again.
Probably just gonna spend the day lazing around
Last night, we went to Nest.. this AWESOME kinda restaurant on the rooftop of a hotel called Le Fenix or something.......

It's soooo cool!!!!
We saw the fireworks which was hosted by Centara, Central World
Ravishing stuff :D

Well, ttyl gotta embrace the fresh air

neh <3

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Dance Dance and more Dance{4:15 AM}

Well, after all the christmas sweets and desserts i have decided to join a dance class....
But still no luck finding one ... :(
so far, the only ones i have is emporium, la danse, baila con migo and some more.

It's soo nearly new years.. like 1 more FREAKING day!
this year went FAST
liked zooped.. but again i thank EVERYONE and ma special people for making it one of the best!

ok... now it's timeee for the..... new year checklist
dress - check
hair - yet to be done
shoes - check
camera- check
phone- yet to be charged
attitude - gotta turn it on
confidence - CHECK!!!


oh right and dance moves.. g2g.. going to practice my moves for tmrw!

neh <3>
me fave motto :

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jingle, jingle, jingle bell ROCK!{12:49 AM}

First of all, merry christmas EVERYONE!
You awesome, awesome people! Enjoy it to da fullest :p

I have a new haircut... after looking and looking and browsing for hairstyle.. i FINALLY came to a decision..... It isn't much of a difference i guess from my old one... but it makes me look different!

Ok, one view... if you wanna see the rest (just log on into your facebook :p)

So well... moving on, it's time for the friend blog posts... i have got to add 1 more special friend. Thankfully, my computer worked in time and i can wish her! lols

There she is... CRAZY, RANDOM,TALKATIVE (in a good way of course) Christine Wong!
She's my super BFF and my big drama inspiration. Christine Wong, no matter what, you're my girl anytime :p)

OMG! I got an i-touch! Better know how to work it!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
be yourself <3{9:16 PM}

A short message :::::

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
— Oscar Wilde

We all want to be the one we see. Popular.
Cool. Pretty.
we all think that we can get respect that way.

It so isn't true.

The only way to do all these things is to... BE YOURSELF!
Remember the song from Camp Rock ' This is real, this is me'

This Is Me lyrics

I've always been the kind of girl
that hid my face
so afraid to tell the world
what I've got to say
But I have this dream
right inside of me
I'm gonna
let it show
it's time
to let you know
to let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
gonna let the light shine on me
now I've found who I am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who I wanna be
this is me

Do you know what it's like
to feel so in the dark
to dream about a life
where your the shining star
even though it seems
like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
it's the only way

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now
gonna let the light shine on me
now I've found who I am
there's no way to hold it in
no more hiding who I wanna be
this is me

For some people.. it's so hard to be themselves.
They want to be known
Known for what? Copycats...?
The only way you can be known is to be yourself...

This short message is for my bff and my soul sister... Take care of yourself and please be yourself.... It's the lesson you've taught me!

Moving on, it's like Christmas EVE! Yayy, Happy Birthday Stephanie! I <3>
I finally found the purrfect gift for my mother. Beauty products from L'occitane. Hope she'll like it.

Can't wait for my gift.. ;)

Going to get a haircut! Will post pics.. cya soon!

Friday, December 19, 2008
make me understand! #2{1:28 AM}

OMG! You guys know, dreamy Edward Cullen from Twilight. As rumours go on and off, there's a possibilty he might be in the next movie or so.... no confirmations but i seriously think it's going to be awesome!!

Ok.. time to wipe the crumbs as finish off what i had started...

Natasha! I've known Natasha for four years already. From all my close friends in school, she's the longest i have known. I had met her in my sister's and her taekwondo class and we had just clicked. She's like a sister to me!

Gorgeous Shane Brown is known among loads of people!!! She's crazy and outgoing and models. I'm sorry Shane, this is like not your best picture but i couldn't find any in a short time (xx) lol! I love you, Shane!!

Am i anything without love?

Where are you?? i'm weakening...

neha. xx

Hope dangles on a string Like slow spinning redemption Winding in and winding out The shine of it has caught my eye And roped me in So mes merizing, so hypnotizing I am captivated [Chorus] I am Vindicated I am selfish I am wrong I am right I swear I'm right I swear I knew it all along
Change the avatar if you wish.

naturally, the tagboard goes here.


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
x x x x x x