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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
can you trust me on this?{5:23 AM}

Oh why does normal life feel so weird... yet familiar?
why does it go twisty turny like the slider over there on the beach?
why is it so hard to make the right decisions.. whether in friendships, studies, love or life?

Because it's all part of a game we are in.... the game of life :p

Sorry for that! :D
It was really random.. :)

ok... so today was The Grimm Tales auditions and i'm freaking out.
I really,really want a part this time.. unlike LSOH :p
and a SPEAKING part, hopefully...

and one more thing especially for abi!!
You were great 2day!!, don't underestimate urself, babes <3>

Thursday, January 1, 2009
The BIG 9 is HEREEEE!!!{12:08 AM}

Happy New Year 2009!
Thanks again everyone for everything... this is my first blog of 2009
It's January 1st 3:10 pm right now and i'm still in my jammies eating a cream cheese bagel
My hair is a mess and my eyes are red
Oh and watching spider-man 3 :p
but.. I DON'T CARE!

It's the first day of the year but i'm too lazy to move my butt off here... so here i am, again.
Probably just gonna spend the day lazing around
Last night, we went to Nest.. this AWESOME kinda restaurant on the rooftop of a hotel called Le Fenix or something.......

It's soooo cool!!!!
We saw the fireworks which was hosted by Centara, Central World
Ravishing stuff :D

Well, ttyl gotta embrace the fresh air

neh <3

Hope dangles on a string Like slow spinning redemption Winding in and winding out The shine of it has caught my eye And roped me in So mes merizing, so hypnotizing I am captivated [Chorus] I am Vindicated I am selfish I am wrong I am right I swear I'm right I swear I knew it all along
Change the avatar if you wish.

naturally, the tagboard goes here.


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
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